
研究员/ meiyang@ynu.edu.cn/神经发育及神经退行性疾病机理研究
















肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS, 渐冻人症)和额颞痴呆症(FTD)是两种常见的神经退行性疾病。部分患者同时表现出ALSFTD的症状,常见的造成家族性ALSFTD的因素是在9号染色体ORF72位点基因(C9orf72)中的六碱基重复序列变异(GGGGCC)n。然而,此蛋白的功能以及其致病机理还不是很清楚。通过运用小鼠遗传学,细胞生物以及生物化学手段,我们分离到C9orf72的复合物并发现其在自噬过程中起到关键的调控作用。揭示了C9orf72突变导致的自噬异常是可能的致病机理。本实验室将研究C9orf72的生物学功能以及其参与的致病机理,从而为临床实践以及新的治疗方案提供理论依据。












1. Zhang W*, Ma L*, Yang M, Shao Q, Xu J, Lu Z, Zhao Z, Chen R, Chai Y, Chen JF. (2020) Cerebral organoid and mouse models reveal a RAB39b-PI3K-mTOR pathway-dependent dysregulation of cortical development leading to macrocephaly/autism phenotypes. Genes & Development. 2020 Apr 1;34(7-8):580-597.


2. Qiang Shao*, Mei Yang*, Chen Liang, Li Ma, Yanan Zhu, Stephanie Herrlinger, Wei Zhang, Fan Lai, Jae-Kung Lee, Shiyou Chen, and Jian-Fu Chen. C9orf72 and Smcr8 mutant reveal MTORC1 activation due to impaired lysosomal degradation and exocytosis. Autophagy. 2019 Dec 17. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2019.1703353 (Co-first author)


3. Chen Liang, Qiang Shao, Wei Zhang, Mei Yang, Qing Chang, Rong Chen, Jian-Fu Chen. Smcr8 deficiency disrupts axonal transport-dependent lysosomal function and promotes axonal swellings and gain of toxicity in C9ALS/FTD mouse models. Human Molecular Genetics. 2019 Oct 18. pii: ddz230.


4. Wei Zhang*, Si-Lu Yang*, Mei Yang, Stephanie Herrlinger, Qiang Shao, John Collar, Edgar Fierro, Yanhong Shi, Aimin Liu, Hui Lu, Bruce Herring, Zhen Zhao, and Jian-Fu Chen. Modeling microcephaly with cerebral organoids and mice reveals a WDR62-CEP170-KIF2A pathway promoting cilium disassembly for neural progenitor cell maintenance. (2018) Nature Communications. 2019 Jun 13;10(1):2612.


5. Herrlinger S*, Shao Q*, Yang M, Chang Q, Liu Y, Pan X, Yin H, Xie LW, Chen JF. (2019) Lin28-mediated promotion of protein synthesis is critical for neural progenitor cell maintenance and brain development in mice. Development. 2019 May 28;146(10).


6. Shao Q, Liang C, Chang Q, Zhang W, Yang M, Chen JF. (2019) C9orf72 deficiency promotes motor deficits of a C9ALS/FTD mouse model in a dose-dependent manner. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 2019 Mar 4;7(1):32.


7. Qiang Shao*, Stephanie Herrlinger*, Ya-Nan Zhu, Mei Yang, Forrest Goodfellow, Stevpoken L Stice, Xiao-Peng Qi, Fan Lai, Melinda A. Brindley, and Jian-Fu Chen. The African Zika virus is more virulent and causes more severe brain damage compared to the Asian lineage and Dengue Virus. Development. 2017 Nov 15;144(22


8. Yang M*, Liang C*, Swaminathan K, Herrlinger S, Lai F, Shiekhattar R, and Jian-Fu Chen. A C9ORF72/SMCR8-containing complex regulates ULK1 and plays a dual role in autophagic flux. Science Advances. 2016 Sep 2;2(9)


9. Yang SL*, Yang M*, Herrlinger S, Liang C, Lai F, Chen JF. MiR-302/367 regulate neural progenitor proliferation, differentiation timing, and survival in neurulation. Developmental Biology. 2015 Oct 9. pii: S0012-1606(15)30104-4. (Equal contribution)


10. Yang M*, Yang SL*, Herrlinger S, Liang C, Dzieciatkowska M, Hansen KC, Desai R, Nagy A, Niswander L, Moss EG, Chen JF. Lin28 promotes the proliferative capacity of neural progenitor cells in brain development. Development. 2015 May 1; 142(9): 1616-27.

